You can either buy single photos or buy a subscription from us. It's possible to buy a single photo for instant download, you find the options linked to every photo but the best way and will give you the best possible price is to buy a photo package or photo subscription from us. Please contact us and we will work out a deal with the option for you and your business.
To buy photos on teambild.se you don't need to be signed on as a customer to buy prints, but for digital downloads you need to sig up.
If you want to buy prints and photos over time it's a good idea to register as a customer at Teambild. To do so, please click on the link at the right top of the site to register as a customer. If you want to buy digital photos for media use over time or more then one digital photo at once we recommend you to contact us for best price and for subscription options before register as a customer. Please note, subscriptions are only available for company customers, not private users.
All data of you as a customer is strictly confidential and will NEVER be leaved to any person or company outside Teambild. The data are only saved to be able to handle your orders.
It's possible to pay with Credit Card, we use Stripe payment system for safe card payments, please note, we don't handle or save any cardnumbers in our systems.
Invoice option is only available for companies. For private customers outside Sweden instant payment with credit card is the only option.